March 26, 2025

BB OTT 2 LIVE ~ Manisha Pooja Share An Emotional Breakdown

By on July 3, 2023 0 354 Views

Pooja Bhatt and Manisha Rani sit and talk about the weekend ka vaar aarop wala thing that might have bothered Pooja. Hence she goes and talks it out. They both vent out and talk out so much that Manisha sobs and hugs her so tight that Pooja like a mother figure calms her down but asks her to cry out as much as she wants. Manisha says she can’t be fake unlike others which is a bad quality. Abhishek our very own Fukra Insaan also shares the same. Manisha is never the person who goes personal on anyone, Pooja being Pooja asks her to share and give them a space to talk privately, Cyrus and Bebika t try to hinder a lot around to peek and try to listen what is up. but Pooja shuns them and asks to leave.

Manisha confronts Pooja and explains her everything in detail about the french kiss and the dominating behaviour she has but explains the same to Manisha that she can’t be fake because it’s the behaviour some people hold while they play and perform the same task.

During their conversation, Manisha confronted Pooja and explained in detail about the French kiss incident and Pooja’s dominating behavior. Manisha acknowledged that she couldn’t be fake because some people exhibit such behavior while playing and performing tasks. It seems like Manisha wanted to express her perspective and provide an explanation for her actions to Pooja.

Pooja Bhatt and Manisha Rani had a conversation about something that seemed to bother Pooja during the weekend ka vaar. They both vented out their feelings, and it became quite emotional to the point that Manisha started sobbing. Pooja, acting as a mother figure, comforted her and encouraged her to let out her tears. Manisha expressed her dislike for being fake, a quality she shares with Abhishek, who is also part of their group. Pooja, being understanding, suggested they find a private space to talk, but Cyrus and Bebika kept trying to eavesdrop. Pooja firmly asked them to leave and respected the need for privacy.

That’s great to hear! It seems that Pooja and Manisha are working on clearing their doubts and establishing a better understanding of each other. Their liking for each other as fellow contestants, along with the presence of Abhishek, allows them to share the same space and hopefully foster a positive environment moving forward. Building strong relationships within the house can make the overall experience more enjoyable for everyone involved.

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