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Na Umra Ki Seema Ho: Will Dev Disclose The Astonishing Truth To Satyavati?

By on September 5, 2022 0 274 Views

Na Umra Ki Seema Ho has held people enthralled since it initially aired on television. An amusing part of the show will be unveiled as Dev opens up about a tight corner in a factory to Satyavati for a fact that Satyavati talks with Abhimanyu regarding Dev and Amba. We will see that Satyavati is pleased with Priya’s transformation in the interim.

But the intriguing part begins when Satyavati reads the newspaper and learns about the factory. After some while, Dev stops Satyavati from reading the newspaper and informs her that he has something essential to share with her. Dev divulges the facts when she questions him about the factory. Will Dev reveal the truth to her? Or perhaps the truth is still yet to be disclosed? As the story goes forward viewers can expect more drama and entertainment as each character develops and uses their representation to add zest and seasoning to the show.

As the story goes forward viewers can expect more drama and entertainment as each character develops and uses their representation to add zest and seasoning to the show. Stay tuned to watch Na Umra Ki Seema Ho every Monday to Saturday at 8 pm only on Star Bharat.

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